Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Review: Dust of Dreams by Steven Erikson

In war everyone loses. This brutal truth can be seen in the eyes of every soldier in every world…
In Letherii, the exiled Malazan army commanded by Adjunct Tavore begins its march into the eastern Wastelands, to fight for an unknown cause against an enemy it has never seen.
This last great army of the Malazan Empire is resolved to make one final defiant, heroic stand in the name of redemption. But can deeds be heroic when there is no one to witness them? And can that which is not witnessed forever change the world? Destinies are rarely simple, truths never clear but one certainty is that time is on no one’s side. For the Deck of Dragons has been read, unleashing a dread power that none can comprehend…
In a faraway land and beneath indifferent skies, the final chapter of ‘The Malazan Book of the Fallen’ has begun…

Steven Erikson is a genius. He is one of the few authors I've read that writes in a way that sometimes leaves my mouth hanging open. I'll read certain scenes multiple times before moving forward because they are just perfect. And I know I'm not the only one that wishes they were a part of the comradery within the army of Bonehunters. Throughout all the books Fiddler and Hedge have really come to be two of my very favorite characters. I was also glad that somebody getting 'Ranaled' was referenced again, although I wish it had been under different circumstances.

This book being the second to last book in the series (the last two books are actually one, broken into 2 parts.) is very exciting, but also bittersweet. Tragedy and humor are expertly mixed in all the books of this series, and this one follows that same tradition.

I know this may seem like a long series for some people, but it is a worthwhile investment.

1 comment:

Jessi E. said...

These books sound really good, though I'm kind of worried about the commitment it would take to read all of them... Maybe someday, huh?