This Week:
Question: Keeping with the Spirit of Giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your family and friends?
Answer: Without a doubt I would want everyone to read Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I guess buying them the book would be a good way to get them to read it :-) It might be the most beautiful book I've read. I more than loved it! If you haven't read it, buy it for yourself for Christmas.
What book would you like to put under the tree for all your friends this year?
Yes! Delirium was one of the best this year. New follower!
My F&F Post
I couldn't agree more. Such a beautiful love story. I wouldn't mind getting Pandemonium early for Christmas myslef.
old follower
My Follow Friday
Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
New follower hopping through to say hi!
Wow! I didn't realize you loved it THAT much! :)
I have got to bump up Delirium and do a Dusty Reads Review. I can't believe I keep shoving it to the bottom of the shelf when I have already seen it a couple of times as a top gifting pick.
New follower via FF.
My Follow Friday
I would definitely gift Delirium! I totally love that book!
New Follower~
Jay @ We Fancy Books
Hopping through. I still haven't read Delirium. I've heard it's great though.
My Hop
I haven't read Delirium yet but it has been on my wishlist for ages because of all the good things I've heard about it! I'll definitely be asking for this for Christmas :)
New Follower.
Kim @ The Paper Planes
great pick
New follower
Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex
I won this book in a contest and i can not wait to receive it!
I'm a new follower. :)
Fantastic choice! This was one of my favourites of the year :) Lauren Oliver's work is ahhhhh <3
New follower!
Just hopping by, happy Friday!
Delirium was so beautiful, good pick!:)
New follower from FF:)
Nina @ Lost in the Pages
I promised a couple of fellow book bloggers I wouldn’t “machine gun” my Follow Friday posts on the blogs I visit but this week’s Follow Friday has inspired me to make an important exception.
The book I think everyone should read is a work of non-fiction called The Four Hour Workweek. The thing is, the book is very well written and entertaining so it reads like a work of fiction. What the book can do to enhance your life and change the way you live day by day seems unbelievable on its face which might mark it a legitimate work of fiction for the skeptics out there.
If you read this work of non-fiction and really follow the advice it gives and apply the insights you’ll gain, your life will read like a modern tale fairytale.
I encourage, implore and even insist you follow me back to my book blog so you can find out why I think EVERYONE should read The Four Hour Workweek – http://www.howardsherman.net
Howard Sherman
I enjoyed Delirium, it was a good book - fun gift to give for sure!
Happy #FF (new follower) and Happy Reading!
Megan @ Read It, See It
Have not read this book but I need to!
New Follower!!
Shortskie's Friday Hops
Good thing I'm planning on reading Delirium soon! I don't think I can hold off any longer. :)
Aww, I wish I had it! It sounds sooo good and I really want to give it a go. Glad you enjoyed it so much! :)
New follower! Have a great weekend.
My recommendations!
I've not read Delirium yet, but I have heard good things about it.
Hi, I am a new follower from FF.
Nicki J Markus
Delirium was so good!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Ladybug Storytime
New follower :)
Lauren Oliver is a brilliant writer, one of my favorites, actually. Great choice. I bawled at the end of Delirium.
-Jenna @ Fans of Faction
I still haven't read this one but oh my goodness it sounds amazing. I'm not generally a huge dystopian fan but I SO want to give this one a go. And oh my goodness! The new one's comic out soon, right? Pandemonium?
I'm a new follower :)
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